• Full women’s Brazilian, front to back.

  • A little deal for staying consistent <3.

    *Must have received a sugar wax by me in the previous 5 weeks to apply*

  • You choose what you keep (either the lips or in between the cheeks).

  • The entire front (lips and between the cheeks stay).

  • 2 inches inward (sides and top) of the bikini line.

  • Palms worth outside the underwear line.

  • An elevated way to say “Butt Crack”.

  • The entire glute area.

  • Inner thighs, down to the knee cap.

  • Also referred to as an armpit!

  • Exactly that, the nipple area!

  • This is a light brow touch up.

What is Sugar Waxing?

Referred often as Sugaring, it is a hair removal method that uses a paste made of sugar, lemon, and water to remove hair from the root. This is a natural alternative to waxing that is a great often for those with more sensitive skin.

How should I prepare for my Sugar Service?

It is optional to gently exfoliate the area 48 hours prior to release dead skin cells built up. Prior to your appointment you can shower to cleanse the area, avoid lotions or oils, and wear loose clothing to your appointment. If you're really nervous about the pain, pop a Tylenol 15 minutes before!

Can I get sugared if I'm on my period or pregnant?

Yes to both! You may experience a little extra discomfort as we tend to be more sensitive during each of these times. It is very common for both women menstruating and pregnant to get sugared. It is asked that you have a fresh tampon in at time of appointment.

How long should I let my hair grow before receiving my sugar.

For best results, please have 14 days of growth from your last shave or 4 weeks from your last wax/sugar. Your hair should be 1/4 inch long, the longer the better sometimes :)

You should see minimal to no growth for around 2 weeks. If you have an event or vacation you are timing your sugar up with, I recommend receiving your sugar 2-3 days prior.

How long will my sugar last?

Should I receive a sugar before or after a spray tan?

Always receive a spray tan after your sugar! Waiting 24 hours after a sugar will give you best results for both services.

Is there an age requirement to receive a Brazilian sugar?

It is required that any female 17 years and younger will need a parent present at the time of Bikini/ Brazilian. Any individual 18 years of age will not need a parent or guardian present. Please arrive alone to your appointment, any spouses or partners must wait in the car. 

SKNMUSE offers sugar wax services for women only.